For those of you that did not know, he was supposed to go to Brazil for his MTC experience but did not get his visa. Apparently they are quite backed up with visas. I am sure Elder Munk would love to hear from you. His address is:
Elder David Munk
MTC Mailbox # 133
BRA-LON 0302
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793
MTC Mailbox # 133
BRA-LON 0302
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793
You can also use dearelder.com while he is in the Provo MTC at no charge.
Elder Munk has had quite the time getting this far. He has had many delays and setbacks. While being set apart the stake president emotionally testified to the fact that Elder Munk's setbacks were for a specific reason - to make sure he met certain people. He testified that these are people whom he has met before. It was a very spiritual experience.
Here is a picture at the MTC. What a good looking guy. I think he looks just like his brother Jason. What a looker.

I spoke with Elder Munk just this morning by telephone and he wishes everyone a happy new year.
O.k. That was a joke, but I am sure he would say that if I could talk to him.
Sister Pleshek and Elder Munk had their evening meal together on Sunday night. If you go to sisterpleshek.blogspot.com you'll be able to read her account of their meeting. It's cute.