Dear Mom & Dad & Family,
Hello! Or rather, Oi! Como voce vai? Eu estou mute bem! I am sure you will be able to figure that out. But this week I decided to handwrite letters and see how it goes. But man, there is so much to write about. I am not quite sure where to start. But the first few days were cray with lots of learning and reflection. My companions name is Elder Gunnell. He is from Salt Lake City. He is a good person and we work and teach well together. He likes to sing really loud which makes everyone else laugh and he also is trying to get rid of the America accent so sometimes he over pronounces words. Its pretty funny. My district is awesome. All the guys are awesome and we growing and unifying more and more everyday.
The first few days weren't actually too long. Everyone said they lasted forever but they weren't too bad. Time here is weird. All the days blend together and its...just a wierd feeling. It goes by quick. my teachers are cool. One is Irma Tymoschenlco who is a native Brazilian. She is very fun and cool. The other is Irmao Sanders. He was gone for a long time so we just met him a couple of days ago. He went to Portugal on his mission. We are getting used to his teaching style and everything is great. So a common day for us is wake up at 6:16, get ready and then to gym. When we get done we shower, eat, and then go to the classroom for personal comp, and language study. Then we eat lunch at 1-1:45. The class until 6. then dinner til 6:45 and then class til 9. Depending on the day, those things will be at different times during the day with some MDT (Missionary Directed Time) intermingled. I am constantly tired. But it is great. We have been studying the first lesson, The Restoration, along with introducing ourselves, praying, contacting and testifying in Portuguese. A lot of stuff but I have felt the Lord's hand in my life and was able to pick up on everything quickly. In the TRC (Teaching Resource Center) we were assigned to teach a 35 minute lesson on lesson 1 and a 15 minute Portuguese section (contacting in a park) No notes. Unfortunately there weren't enough volunteers for the Portuguese part but my comp and I taught a great lesson. We taught some missionaries waiting for their visas and they were impressed. We also got some things to work on which is great! Next week we teach first lesson again only know a little more about the investigator so we will prepare for him/her needs.
I have been studying a lot by topic which is awesome. The other day I read 1 John 4 about love. It said fear and love can't exist together. So then I thought love and faith must be linked. I then turned to John 3:16 and John 14:15 and interchanged the words love and faith in the scripture and found it interesting. Try it and tell me what you think. I have also been blessed with an awesome Branch President. He comes in once in awhile during the week and teaches us during MDT time. Its awesome for sacrament meeting. All missionaries prepare a talk and then you find out on Sunday whether you are giving it......and the talk is in Portuguese. So that is hard but will help a lot.
I went to the temple today and it was amazing!
O and I have sen a lot of people that I know! Elders Cryer (roommate in summer) Ahn (Young Tai from winter and spring) Christensen (played Ballistics, club soccer, and IFHS Varsity with me...Cameron) Frogley (yeah Adam Frogley from grade school!) Roberts (friend from summer and fall) Mooso (Austin, and he wants me to tell you dad, that he loves you) and some more along with Sister Pleshek (this is added by the mom.....she is our stake presidents daughter). I ran into her at the lunch and we were talking, not knowing who each other were and then she says she knew some Munks who used to live in utah but they live in /by Stevens Point. and then we looked at each other and started laughing realizing what was going on. So that was cool. It's fun having so many friends around.
thanks for your letters and everything! Its been great to hear form you.
thanks again for everything! Eu sei que este Evangelho e verdadeiro. Eu sei que Jesus Cristo e nosso Salvador e Rendentor. Ele sofreu pur mim e por voce. Eu sei que Joseph Smith foi profets e O livero de Mormon e verdaderio. Thomas S. Monson e o profeta. Em nome de Jesus Cristo, amen. I love this work!
love you so much!
Elder David Munk
O and still no work on visas. Coming through but slowly. Some sisters here have been here for 14 weeks.
O and in the MTC we can't use ipods so I have had no music for....well it seems a long time. Its hard but I know its for a purpose.